Christmas Hampers - Bayside Community Care

Christmas Hampers

Christmas Hampers

For many people, Christmas can be a hard time. At Bayside Community Care, we want to make sure that people have everything they need to have a wonderful Christmas.

Christmas hampers are available from December. To be eligible for a hamper, a Health Care Card or Pension Card must be shown, and the recipient must reside in the City of Kingston.  To register for a hamper please contact 9585 2455.

Supporters can help by donating Christmas goodies including:

  • Tinned ham
  • Mince pies
  • Christmas pudding or cake
  • Long-life custard
  • Mustard
  • Pasta/rice
  • Pasta sauce
  • Tinned Tuna
  • Shortbread biscuits
  • Chips
  • Tea/coffee.

Donations can be dropped off between Tuesday-Thursday during business hours in the yellow bin at 99-101 Argus St, Cheltenham.

Individuals can also volunteer their time to pack hampers on Thursday 30 November, 2023 from 9.30am-1pm.

Check out our Christmas Hampers news story from 2022.

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