Meet Angelo


Meet Angelo

9 July 2024 Hits:0

In celebration of Matt’s Place Chelsea’s 15th birthday, we got chatting to guest Angelo.

How long have you been coming to Matt’s Place Chelsea?  On and off for about 12-18 months.

Why did you start coming to Matt’s Place? I was looking for a sense of community. I connected with Bruce at St Chad’s Church at the market.

How has Matt’s Place made a difference in your life? Matt’s Place has the recipe right – good food, people and essence.  Getting out of the house makes a difference. We don’t see our neighbours anymore. We’re all looking at our phones. We don’t talk to each other now.  When I come to Matt’s Place I get to talk to people. It’s like the way we used to see our neighbours. When people have a meal together we don’t see our differences.

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