Animal Kingdom Trivia Night - Bayside Community Care

Animal Kingdom Trivia Night

Animal Kingdom Trivia Night

How well do you know your animal facts? Perhaps you may decide to channel your inner Sir David Attenborough … or, maybe, you are more like Dr Dolittle.

Our lives are impacted by animals in many ways – it could be the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the love of pets, and the enjoyment of viral videos – I’m looking at you, Pandas.

For our annual trivia night fundraiser for Bayside Community Care in 2024, we are looking at the Animal Kingdom. Get a table of eight together, dress up as your favourite animal or related characters, and prepare for an EPIC fun night!

We are also looking for businesses to partner with us and donate prizes and potential auction items. Please email us if you can provide items.

Register Today!
  • Fri 09 Aug
    7pm-10pm Bayside Church, 99-101 Argus St, Cheltenham $$30 per person

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